Programming Tutorials

The Exception Object in JSP

By: Sathya Narayana in JSP Tutorials on 2010-10-24  

The Exception object in JSP provides information about any exception that occurs during the execution of a JSP page. It is an implicit object that is available in every JSP page.

When an exception occurs, the JSP engine creates an instance of the Exception class and stores it in the request scope. This makes it accessible to the page’s error handling mechanism, which can then handle the exception appropriately.

The Exception object provides several methods for getting information about the exception, such as:

  • getMessage(): Returns a String that describes the exception.
  • getCause(): Returns the Throwable object that caused the exception to be thrown.
  • printStackTrace(): Prints the stack trace of the exception to the standard error stream.

The Exception object is typically used in conjunction with the <%@page isErrorPage="true" %> directive, which tells the JSP engine that the current page is an error page. An error page is a JSP page that is displayed when an exception occurs in another JSP page.

In an error page, the Exception object is used to retrieve information about the exception, which can then be displayed to the user in a meaningful way. For example, the error page might display a message such as "An error occurred: The database is currently unavailable. Please try again later."

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