Programming Tutorials

How to create an array and method in JSP

By: Saravanan in JSP Tutorials on 2010-01-01  

In this tutorial we are going to see how to create an array and method in JSP. We have to use the scriptlet tag and declaration tag. We can write java comment
inside a scriptlet tag. And we can declare the variables inside a declaration tag. 

Comments in JSP page

<title>Comments in a JSP</title>
<% // This is scriptlet tag. Here We can use Java comments. It's copied 
into the generated servlet %>

<%-- This is commentline tag. Here we can use JSP comment. It's not copied 
to the servlet or the output --%>

Creating a Method

<title>Method Creating</title>

<H1>Method Creating</H1>
int sum(int value1, int value2)
return value1 + value2;

out.println("value1+ value2 = " + sum(9, 7));

Creating an Array

<title>Creating an Array </title>

<H1>Creating an Array </H1>
double salary[];
salary = new double[100];
salary[2] = 500.54;

out.println("salary 2 holds $" + salary[2]);

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