Programming Tutorials

Latest Tutorials on Interview

The output of System.out.println(5<<2) in Java

By: Nirmal    Posted at: 2023-05-11

The output of System.out.println(5>>2) in Java

By: Nirmal    Posted at: 2023-05-11

What is J2EE?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What do you understand by a J2EE module?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Tell me something about J2EE component?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are the contents of web module?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Differentiate between .ear, .jar and .war files.

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is the difference between Session Bean and Entity Bean?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Why J2EE is suitable for the development of distributed multi-tiered enterprise applications?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What do you understand by a container in J2EE?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are the services provided by a J2EE container?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are types of J2EE clients?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is Deployment Descriptor?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What do you understand by JTA and JTS?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is JAXP?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is J2EE Connector architecture?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is difference between Java Bean and Enterprise Java Bean?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is the difference between JTS and JTA?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Can Entity Beans have no create() methods?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are the call back methods in Session bean?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is bean managed transaction?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is transient variable?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Name the containers which uses Border Layout as their default layout?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What do you understand by Synchronization?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is Collection API?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Is Iterator a Class or Interface? What is its use?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is similarities/difference between an Abstract class and Interface?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

How to define an Abstract class?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

How to define an Interface?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Explain the user defined Exceptions?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Explain the new Features of JDBC 2.0 Core API?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Explain garbage collection?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Explain the Encapsulation principle.

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Explain the Polymorphism principle.

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Explain the different forms of Polymorphism.

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are Access Specifiers available in Java?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What do you understand by JSP Actions?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is the difference between jsp:include page and @ include file?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is the difference between jsp:forward and response.sendRedirect(url)

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are implicit Objects available to the JSP Page?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are all the different scope values for the tag?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is JSP Output Comments?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is expression in JSP?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What types of comments are available in the JSP?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is JSP declaration?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is JSP Scriptlet?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What are the life-cycle methods of JSP?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

What is the difference between interface and abstract class?

By: Karthik    Posted at: 2012-06-16

Question: Difference between forward and sendRedirect in JSP?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: What is an Expression tag in JSP?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: What is a Hidden Comment in JSP?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: What is an output comment in JSP?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: Explain the life-cycle methods in JSP?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: What is the directory structure of a web application?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: How is the MVC design pattern used in Struts framework?

By: Guru Singh    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Question: How would you go about analyzing performance of an application?

By: Praveen    Posted at: 2008-08-24

Getting started with Interview

By: Vilyams    Posted at: 2008-08-14

Types of Interviews

By: Vilyams    Posted at: 2008-08-14

Interview Question: What is Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: How is the MVC design pattern used in Struts framework?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Who makes the Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Why it is called Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is Action Class?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Write code of any Action Class?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is Struts Validator Framework?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is ActionForm?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Why do we need Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: How does Struts work?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Is Struts compatible with other Java technologies?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Who wrote Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Do you have to credit Struts on your own website?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Where can I get a copy of Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: How do I install Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Does Struts include its own unit tests?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Where can I get help with Struts?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Why aren't the Struts tags maintained as part of the Jakarta Taglibs project ?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is ActionServlet?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: If the framework doesn't do what I want, can I request that a feature be added?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What about JSTL and JavaServer Faces ?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Is there a particularly good IDE to use with Struts ?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Why are some of the class and element names counter-intuitive?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Do ActionForms have to be true JavaBeans?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is EJB container?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is Deployment descriptor?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is EJB client JAR file?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is Local client view in EJB?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is Remote client view?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Can I invoke Runtime.gc() in an EJB?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What are the optional clauses in EJB QL?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Why does EJB needs two interfaces(Home and Remote Interface)?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is the difference between ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is difference between EJB 1.1 and EJB 2.0?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is the difference between sessioncontext and entitycontext?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Is Decorator an EJB design pattern?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Can i map more than one table in a CMP?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is the difference between EAR, JAR and WAR file?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is lazy loading?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is re-entrant. Is session beans reentrant. Is entity beans reentrant?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: How many EJB Objects are created for a Bean?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is deployment descriptor?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What are the call back methods in Entity bean?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is Message Driven Bean?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is local interface. How values will be passed?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is abstract schema?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is the difference between JavaBean and EJB?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is the difference between find and select methods in EJB?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: Is it possible to share an HttpSession between a JSP and EJB? What happens when I change a value in the HttpSession from inside an EJB?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13

Interview Question: What is the difference between Message Driven Beans and Stateless Session beans?

By: Ash    Posted at: 2008-08-13