Programming Tutorials

The Request Object in JSP

By: Sathya Narayana in JSP Tutorials on 2010-10-24  

In JSP, the Request object is an implicit object that is available to the programmer to access information sent from the client to the server as part of an HTTP request. The Request object provides access to information about the request such as the request method (GET or POST), headers, parameters, and attributes.

The Request object is created by the JSP container when an HTTP request is made to the JSP page. The container populates the Request object with information from the HTTP request and makes it available to the JSP page. The Request object can be accessed using the EL (Expression Language) or using scriptlets.

Here is an example of how to access the Request object in a JSP page using EL:

<h1>Request Information:</h1>
<p>Method: ${request.method}</p>
<p>URI: ${request.requestURI}</p>
<p>Protocol: ${request.protocol}</p>

In the example above, the ${request.method}, ${request.requestURI}, and ${request.protocol} expressions access the method, request URI, and protocol of the current HTTP request.

Here is an example of how to access the Request object in a JSP page using scriptlets:

<h1>Request Information:</h1>
String method = request.getMethod();
String uri = request.getRequestURI();
String protocol = request.getProtocol();
<p>Method: <%= method %></p>
<p>URI: <%= uri %></p>
<p>Protocol: <%= protocol %></p>

In the example above, the request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), and request.getProtocol() methods are used to retrieve the method, request URI, and protocol of the current HTTP request. The values are then stored in variables that are used in the scriptlet expressions to display the information.

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