Programming Tutorials

Getting started with Interview

By: Vilyams in Interview Tutorials on 2008-08-14  

The mere fact that you are reading this article is a proof that you are looking for your first Job or a change of Job. You have probably read many other articles about preparing for and facing an interview and you are already overwhelmed with a wealth of information. Hence I will stick to the point and keep this short.

So here are the steps you would follow while searching for a Job:

  1. Write your resume
  2. Post your resume for employers to find you
  3. Shortlist the invitations that suits your interests and follow up
  4. Face the Interview
  5. Get that Job

Let us look at each of these steps in detail:

1. Write your resume

Do not believe when people say that the resume has to be simple and short. If you ask me, you should have a few versions of your Resume.
1. One that is simple and short
2. One that is elaborate and captures every single detail
3. Probably a web version that can be accessed from a URL in html format
4. One that is in PDF format for easy printing.

Bear in mind that for any job, before any company goes for interviews they will go through a few rounds of shortlisting. This shortlisting is solely based on the Resumes of the candidates. Therefore your resume plays a very important role in getting an interview. It gives the first impression to a person who is shortlisting. So spend a lot of time in creating that resume and fine tune it as and when required.

Some tips for making your resume effective:

  • Include your photo on the first page. (Dressed in formals: recommended)
  • Your contact details such as email, phone, website if any, name etc.. should stand out from the rest.
  • Write an abstract of your profile on top. Remember that some shortlisters may not even go farther than the first page.
  • So make your first page tell the most important skills and experiences you have
  • Always tailor your resume to suit the particular role or organization you are applying to.

2. Post your resume for employers to find you

Now that you have created that resume, let the world know about it. Post it in as many sites as possible. Depending on your geographical location there may be specific job sites that you can submit to. Or you can choose to submit to resume databases such as monster. You may also submit to body shop companies and job agencies.

On top of this, you should be searching for jobs in job websites and locate the relevant jobs and apply for the same online or by post and send them the resume. Once you have done that, just relax and wait for that call.

3. Shortlist the invitations that suits your interests and follow up

After you submit the resumes, you should be receiving a lot of invitations from potential employers as well as from job agencies. Dont just jump on the first call or first email. Take your time and analyze each invitation for interview and reply to them. Make sure your reply is professional and not one liners. Liase with them, follow up and fix an appointment for the interview.

4. Face the Interview

Prepare well for the interview. Try to visit the employer's website and find out as much details about the company as possible. Based on the nature of your applied job, prepare both technically as well as other soft skills. On the day of the interview keep your cool and be confident. Greet clearly, shake hands firmly, keep your smile and talk confidently and clearly. If you are unsure of something, do not cook up an answer. It is ok to say you don't know or rememeber. Make that impression and get that job.

Good Luck.

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