Programming Tutorials

Getting Started with Android

By: Emiley J in Android Tutorials on 2013-03-19  

As usual, when starting to learn a new programming language, you first have to get your computer ready with the tools and IDEs required to start developing. For Android programming it is very simple, just get the ADT bundle for windows and you are all set.  I am assuming you are using windows as your development platform. ADT bundle for windows is an integrated development environment with the Android SDK and Eclipse.

  1. If you don't already have, create a 'Development" folder under your C drive.
  2. Goto the ADT bundle for windows download page and download the SDK
  3. Unzip the downloaded zip file to the 'Development" folder
  4. Goto the C:\Development\adt-bundle-<os_platform>/eclipse/ folder and click eclipse.exe

That's it. You are now ready to start developing your first Android program.

Note: Although the unzipped folder name is too long, do not rename the folder. Because the ADT settings use these default folder names and if you change the folder name then you have to manually change the ADT development settings.

Now that you have setup your android development environment, get started with programming more android samples.

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