Programming Tutorials

Sending emails and Receiving emails using Ruby On rails

By: David Heinemeier Hansson in Ruby Tutorials on 2009-03-03  

Ruby on Rails has built-in Action Mailer library that can be used to send emails from a Rails application. Here are the steps to set up email sending and receiving in Ruby on Rails:

Sending emails:

  1. Configure the email settings in config/application.rb file. For example:

    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
    config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
      address:              '',
      port:                 587,
      user_name:            '[email protected]',
      password:             'your_password',
      authentication:       'plain',
      enable_starttls_auto: true
  2. This example configures email delivery using Gmail's SMTP server. Create a mailer class that inherits from ActionMailer::Base:
    class ExampleMailer < ActionMailer::Base
      default from: '[email protected]'
      def sample_email(user)
        @user = user
        @url  = ''
        mail(to:, subject: 'Sample Email')
  3. This example defines a mailer class that contains a sample_email method that sends an email to a user. Create a view for the email in app/views/example_mailer/sample_email.html.erb:
    <h1>Sample Email</h1>
    <p>Hello <%= %>,</p>
    <p>This is a sample email.</p>
    <p><%= link_to 'Login', @url %></p>
  4. Call the mailer method from a controller or another part of the application:

    This example calls the sample_email method of the ExampleMailer class and sends the email to a user.

Receiving emails:

  1. Configure the email settings in config/application.rb file. For example:

    config.action_mailbox.receivers = {
      '' => {
        'user1' => { 
          'password' => 'secret', 
          'delivery_options' => {
            'folder' => 'inbox'
  2. This example configures an email receiver that listens for emails sent to [email protected] and delivers them to the inbox folder. Create a mailbox class that inherits from ActionMailbox::Base:
    class ExampleMailbox < ActionMailbox::Base
      def receive(mail)
        # Process the email here
  3. This example defines a mailbox class that contains a receive method that processes incoming emails. Create an email processor class that inherits from ActionMailbox::Base:
    class ExampleProcessor < ActionMailbox::Base
      def process
        # Process the email here
  4. This example defines an email processor class that contains a process method that processes the email payload. Configure the mailbox routing in config/routes.rb file:
    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      post 'rails/action_mailbox/example' => 'action_mailbox/ingresses/exmaple#create'
  5. This example configures the mailbox routing to the ExampleMailbox class. Start the email server to listen for incoming emails:
    rails action_mailbox:ingress:exmaple

    This example starts the email server to listen for incoming emails and routes them to the ExampleMailbox

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