Programming Tutorials

Steps to develop EJB Environment

By: aathishankaran in EJB Tutorials on 2007-02-20  

To develop Enterprise Java Beans, it consists of four steps they are:

  • Remote Interface
  • Home Interface
  • Bean program
  • Client program

1.Remote Interface

A remote interface is the interface with which the client interacts. The EJB container uses the remote interface for our bean to generate both the client-side stub and a server-side proxy object that passes client calls to our EJB object.

2. Home Interface

The home interface is the client's initial point of contact with our EJB components. The client obtains a reference to an object implementing the home interface via JNDI.

3.Bean Program

Bean program is the business logic. Now the remote and the home interfaces are created and it's time to implement the EJB bean it self. The EJB bean exists within the container.

4.Client Program

The client program contains a user interface. The client never communicates directly with the EJB bean rather it talks to the bean through its home interface and its remote interface, both of which are provided by the container.

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