Programming Tutorials

Advantages of ASP.NET

By: Ram Babu in Tutorials on 2008-11-26  

ASP.NET has many advantages over other platforms when it comes to creating Web applications. Probably the most significant advantage is its integration with the Windows server and programming tools. Web applications created with ASP.NET are easier to create, debug, and deploy because those tasks can all be performed within a single development environment-Visual Studio .NET.

ASP.NET delivers the following other advantages to Web application developers:

  • Executable portions of a Web application compiled so they execute more quickly than interpreted scripts

  • On-the-fly updates of deployed Web applications without restarting the server

  • Access to the .NET Framework, which extends the Windows API

  • Use of the widely known Visual Basic programming language, which has been enhanced to fully support object-oriented programming

  • Introduction of the new Visual C# programming language, which provides a type-safe, object-oriented version of the C programming language

  • Automatic state management for controls on a Web page (called server controls) so that they behave much more like Windows controls

  • The ability to create new, customized server controls from existing controls

  • Built-in security through the Windows server or through other authentication/authorization methods

  • Integration with Microsoft ADO.NET to provide database access and database design tools from within Visual Studio .NET

  • Full support for Extensible Markup Language (XML), cascading style sheets (CSS), and other new and established Web standards

  • Built-in features for caching frequently requested Web pages on the server, localizing content for specific languages and cultures, and detecting browser capabilities

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