Programming Tutorials

Enabling IIS 7.0 with ASP.NET

By: Emiley J in Tutorials on 2010-08-13  

The following instructions enable IIS 7.0 with ASP.NET.

To enable IIS 7.0 with ASP.NET on Windows Server 2008

  1. Click the Start button, and then point to All Programs. Point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
  2. In Server Manager, under Roles Summary, verify that Web Server (IIS) appears in the list of available roles. If it does not, click Add Roles to install Internet Information Services. 
  3. In Server Manager, under Roles Summary, click Web Server (IIS).
  4. In the Web Server (IIS) management window, click Add Role Services.
  5. In the Add Role Services dialog box, expand Web Server, expand Common HTTP Features, and then click Static Content.
  6. In the Add Role Services dialog box, expand Web Server, expand Application Development, and then click ASP.NET.
  7. Click Next to enable Static Content and ASP.NET.

To enable IIS 7.0 with ASP.NET on Windows 7 or Windows Vista

  1. Click the Start button, click Settings, click Control Panel, click Programs, and then click Programs and Features.
  2. Click Turn Windows Features On or Off.
  3. Under Internet Information Services, expand World Wide Web Services. 
  4. Under Application Development Features, click ASP.NET.
  5. Under Common HTTP Features, click Static Content.
  6. Install the selected features.

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