Click to remove an element from a select html form using javascript
By: Emiley J. in Javascript Tutorials on 2008-07-17
If you are looking for a solution to remove an element from a select list just by clicking on it then obviously you can do it using Javascript. This tutorial explains a step by step solution to this problem.
For this you will need the following.
- a select list that has a list of items,
- a javascript that does the trick of removing the element from the list if clicked
For step 1.
Add the following code in your form.
<form name="theform"> <select title="Select Recipients" style="WIDTH: 247px; HEIGHT: 140px" onclick="getDelete(this);" multiple size="5" name="recipients" rows="10" cols="30"> <option value="10008 - group"> friends - group </option> <option value="10010 - group"> test - group </option> <option value="10011 - group"> - group </option> <option value="10012 - group"> m-indya - group </option> </select><br> <small><span class="bodytext">Click on name to remove from recipient list</span><br></small><br> </form>
For step 2.
Add the following function in your html page.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function getDelete(e) { if (e.selectedIndex >= 0) { var elSel = document.forms['theform'].recipients; var i; for (i = elSel.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (elSel.options[i].selected) { elSel.remove(i); } } } } </script>
Thats it you are done. You can try this code in your page and it will work as below.
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