Programming Tutorials

Prevent other websites from displaying content from your website in an iframe

By: Linda Ng in WebServices Tutorials on 2023-03-29  

It is possible to prevent other websites from displaying content from your website in an iframe using a technique called \"frame busting\" or \"clickjacking defense.\"

Frame busting works by detecting if a web page is being displayed within an iframe and then redirecting the browser to the same content but outside of the iframe. This prevents the other website from displaying your content in their own frame.

To implement frame busting, you can add JavaScript code to your web page that detects if it is being displayed within an iframe and then takes appropriate action. Here is an example of frame busting code:

if (top != self) {

This code checks if the top window (the one containing the iframe) is the same as the current window (the one containing your web page). If they are different, the code redirects the top window to the same URL as the current window, effectively breaking out of the iframe.

It is important to note that while frame busting can help prevent content from being displayed in iframes, it is not foolproof and can be circumvented by determined attackers. It is recommended to also implement other security measures, such as content security policies, to protect your website from attacks.

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