Programming Tutorials

Javascript Tutorials

11. => in JavaScript

By: Tanya : 2023-04-26

Description: In JavaScript, => is called an arrow function or a fat arrow function. It's a shorthand syntax for defining functions that was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6).

12. while and do-while in JavaScript

By: Stella : 2023-04-25

Description: In JavaScript, while and do-while are two types of loops that can be used to repeat a block of code multiple times.

13. Template literals vs String concatenation in JavaScript

By: Terrence : 2023-04-25

Description: Template literals and string concatenation are two ways to combine strings in JavaScript.

14. Boolean() function in JavaScript

By: Stella : 2023-04-25

Description: The <code>Boolean()</code> function in JavaScript is used to convert a value into a boolean data type. The function takes a single parameter and returns <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>.</p>

15. Symbol() function in JavaScript

By: Stella : 2023-04-25

Description: <code>Symbol()</code> is a built-in function in JavaScript that returns a unique symbol value. Symbols are a new primitive data type introduced in ECMAScript 6, which can be used as keys in objects, allowing for more efficient property lookup and avoiding naming collisions

16. let, const, and var in JavaScript

By: Stella : 2023-04-25

Description: In JavaScript, let, const, and var are used for declaring variables, but they have different scopes and behaviors. Here are the main differences:

17. == vs === in JavaScript

By: Stella : 2023-04-25

Description: In JavaScript, == and === are two comparison operators that are used to compare two values or variables.

18. for, for..of, and loops in JavaScript

By: Tanya : 2023-04-25

Description: In JavaScript, there are several ways to loop through arrays and objects. Here's an overview of the for, for..of, and loops:

19. sparse array in JavaScript

By: Tanya : 2023-04-25

Description: In JavaScript, a sparse array is an array in which not all elements are initialized with values. This means that there are gaps or missing indexes between the elements that actually have values.

20. Different ways you can pass arguments to a function in JavaScript

By: Tanya : 2023-04-25

Description: Here are the different ways you can pass arguments to a function in JavaScript, using the area function example: