Programming Tutorials

Java Tutorials

41. Java program to print prime numbers using Thread

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This is a Java program to implement two threads such that one thread prints prime numbers from 1 to 10 and other thread prints non-prime numbers from 1 to 10 (use Thread class ).

42. Java program to check if user input is an even number

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This is a java program to accept a number from the user and throw an exception if the number is not an even number.

43. Multiple Inheritance sample in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This Java program implements the following Multiple Inheritance

44. MultiLevel Inheritance sample in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This Java program implements the following Multi Level Inheritance

45. Vector in Java - Sample Program

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This java program implements a Vector that accepts five items from the command line and store them in a Vector and display the objects stored in a Vector.

46. Calculate average sale of the week in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This java program accepts value of apple sales for each day of the week (using array of type float) and then, calculates the average sale of the week.

47. Calculate gross salary in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This Java program defines a class Employee to accept emp_id, emp _name, basic_salary from the user and display the gross_salary.

48. Handling Fractions in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This Java program defines a class Fraction having data members numerator and denominator. Initializes three objects using different constructors and displays its fractional value.

49. Student marks calculation program in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This Java program defines a class student with four data members such as name, roll no,sub1, and sub2. Defines appropriate methods to initialize and displays the values of data members. Also calculates total Marks and percentage scored by the student.

50. Reverse a number in Java

By: Paawan Chaudhary : 2012-09-19

Description: This java program defines a class having one 3-digit number, num as data member. Initializes and displays reverse of that number.