Programming Tutorials

Advantages of Java Beans

By: Priya in Java Beans Tutorials on 2007-09-15  

Java Bean is a software component that has been designed to be reusable in a variety of different environments. There is no restriction on the capability of a Bean. It may perform a simple function, such as checking the spelling of a document, or a complex function, such as forecasting the performance of a stock portfolio. A Bean may be visible to an end user. One example of this is a button on a graphical user interface. A Bean may also be invisible to a user. Software to decode a stream of multimedia information in real time is an example of this type of building block. Finally, a Bean may be designed to work autonomously on a user's workstation or to work in cooperation with a set of other distributed components. Software to generate a pie chart from a set of data points is an example of a Bean that can execute locally. However, a Bean that provides real-time price information from a stock or commodities exchange would need to work in cooperation with other distributed software to obtain its data.

We will see shortly what specific changes a software developer must make to a class so that it is usable as a Java Bean. However, one of the goals of the Java designers was to make it easy to use this technology. Therefore, the code changes are minimal.

Advantages of Java Beans

A software component architecture provides standard mechanisms to deal with software building blocks. The following list enumerates some of the specific benefits that Java technology provides for a component developer:

  • A Bean obtains all the benefits of Java's "write-once, run-anywhere" paradigm. 
  • The properties, events, and methods of a Bean that are exposed to an application
    builder tool can be controlled.
  • A Bean may be designed to operate correctly in different locales, which makes it
    useful in global markets.
  • Auxiliary software can be provided to help a person configure a Bean. This software is
    only needed when the design-time parameters for that component are being set. It
    does not need to be included in the run-time environment.
  • The configuration settings of a Bean can be saved in persistent storage and restored
    at a later time.
  • A Bean may register to receive events from other objects and can generate events that
    are sent to other objects.

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Comments (1)

Pranit Patiilsays...

very good post on advantages of java beans. Java beans are sessions that encapsulate many things into only one item .thanks for sharing this post.

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