Javascript Tutorials

51. Click to remove an element from a select html form using javascript

By: Emiley J. : 2008-07-17

Description: If you are looking for a solution to remove an element from a select list just by clicking on it then obviously you can do it using Javascript. This tutorial explains a step by step solution to this problem.

52. Show how many characters remaining in a html text box using javascript

By: Emiley J. : 2008-07-16

Description: Assuming you have a html form that has a textarea or a input text box to enter text. If you only have to allow a specic number of characters into that box and remove any text that he enters after the set limit, and the same time when the user starts typing in the text box if you want to show how many characters are remaining then you can do so using this simple but effective java script.

53. Window Object in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-04-02

Description: The URL parameter specifies what content appears in the new window. If you specify a value, the browser attempts to locate and display the specified document. Alternatively, you can display a blank page by specifying an empty string as the URL parameter. Use this technique if you want to create an HTML page dynamically using JavaScrip

54. JavaScript Security

By: aathishankaran : 2007-04-02

Description: As a web content developer and as a user, the Internet Security Threats that you face depend on who you are and what you have to Protect.

55. Status Bar Messages in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-03-29

Description: The status bar of a browser can be an important means of communicating with the user. You can use two properties of the window object default Status and status to control the text that is displayed

56. Handling String in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-03-29

Description: You can retrieve a portion of a string variable or literal by using the substring() method. It has two parameters-the start position and end position of the substring you want to return. Just like indexOf() and lastIndexOf(), this method is also zero-based, such that the first position of the string begins at 0.

57. Referencing Windows in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-03-29

Description: When working with single and multiple frames in your JavaScript application, you probably need to use additional ways to reference windows. JavaScript provides four references to windows. Each of the references are implemented as properties of the window object.

58. Math in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-03-29

Description: For mathematical calculations, JavaScript encapsulates a host of mathematical constants and procedures into a single entity-the Math object. The Math object is quite a bit different from the other built-in objects.

59. Window.close() in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-03-29

Description: The window.close() method can only close the window that was opened by JavaScript using the method. If the window was not opened by JavaScript, the method will not close the window. Additionally, some modern browsers may prevent closing the window using JavaScript to prevent malicious behavior

60. Strings in JavaScript

By: aathishankaran : 2007-03-29

Description: Strings area fundamental part of any programming language. Strings, which are a set of alpha-numeric characters, can be either a literal string, such as "Push the envelope" or a variable representing a string, such as the Phrase. A string can also be treated as an object, complete with its own suite of methods and properties.