VB.net Tutorials

21. Understanding Scope in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-11-17

Description: The scope of a variable or constant is the set of all code that can refer to it without qualifying its name. A variable's scope is determined by where the variable is declared. It's usually a good idea to make the scope of variables or constants as narrow as possible (block scope is the narrowest). This helps conserve memory and minimizes the chances of your code referring to the wrong item. I'll take a look at the different kinds of scope in VB .NET here.

22. Using the EventLog Class in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: The EventLog class supports access to Windows event logs from Windows services. Here is the inheritance hierarchy of this class:

23. Joining Threads in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: You can use the Join method to wait until a thread finishes; this method will return when the thread is finished executing. Here are the various forms of this method:

24. Using a Web Service in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: To make use of a Web service, you have to add a Web reference to your application. Here is the code for the WebServWindowsApplication application, Form1.vb:

25. Creating a Web Service in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: Creating a Web service is not difficult-just select the File|New|Project menu item, select the ASP.NET Web Service icon, and click OK. That creates a new Web service project, ready for use. Here's the code for the Web service we developed, Service1.asmx.vb:

26. Creating a Windows Service Installer in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: After you've created a Windows service, you need an installer. Here's the code for the installer in the WindowsService example, Project Installer.vb:

27. Creating a Windows Service in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: You can create a new Windows service easily in Visual Basic-just use the File|New|Project menu item, select the Windows Service icon in the templates box, and click OK.

28. Using the ServiceInstaller Class in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: ServiceInstaller objects install Windows services. Here is the inheritance hierarchy of this class

29. Using the ServiceProcessInstaller Class in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: ServiceProcessInstaller objects install the specific processes in a Windows service. Here is the inheritance hierarchy of this class:

30. Using the ServiceBase Class in VB.net

By: Steven Holzner : 2010-10-23

Description: The ServiceBase class is the base class for a Windows service. Here is the inheritance hierarchy of this class: