trends Tutorials

31. What is Google Apps?

By: William Alexander : 2009-04-30

Description: Google Apps is a set of office productivity tools provided by Google for the enterprise market. It all started with the launch of google's version of free email, the GMAIL. The pure email platform has slowly evolved as google continued to add more features to it. Chat was embedded with the launch of Google Talk. Audio as well as Video chat was later supported. Google Docs provided the ability to upload, share and organise documents. Calendaring was supported.

32. What is cloud computing?

By: William Alexander : 2009-04-03

Description: If you have seen any system architecture diagrams, which I guess you should have, you couldn't have missed the cloud in the center of any system diagrams. The cloud usually means "Internet". So it goes without saying that the cloud in "cloud computing" simply means the Internet. However when computing is added to it, there is a whole new meaning. As with any upcoming technology buzzwords, "cloud computing" is bound to have many definitions. It simply means any service that is available over Internet.

33. What is SaaS?

By: William Alexander : 2009-03-28

Description: Typically a Software is either an Application software or a system software. An application software is meant for humans and is developed to solve a specific problem or a purpose. For example Microsoft Word is an application that is meant for Data Processing. System software on the other hand is a software that is meant for machines and is developed to interact with machines. Application softwares usually work with system software to form an useful solution. For example a printer driver is a system software and interacts with a printer and a computer processor. An application software such as Microsoft Word uses these drivers to print a document.