Javascript Tutorials
31. Diabling Right Click option in a browser using Javascript
By: Guru Singh : 2008-09-05
Description: There are two ways you can disable the 'Right Click' option on a browser's
32. Password protect a web page using Javascript
By: Guru Singh : 2008-09-05
Description: In the below code, Password is the password and protected.html is the name of the password-protected page. (Substitute your own password and URL when you use this script.) If visitors enter the correct password, they will forward to protected.html; if they enter an incorrect password, they'll hit the page called oops.html.
33. window.frames[i] in Javascript
By: David Flanagan : 2008-08-31
Description: The Window object defines the following properties. Non-portable, browser-specific properties are listed separately after this list. Note that the Window object is the Global object for client-side JavaScript; therefore the Window object also has the properties listed on the Global reference page.
35. call() and apply() methods in Javascript
By: Nicholas C. Zakas : 2008-08-16
Description: The call() method is the method most similar to the classic object-masquerading method. Its first argument is the object to be used for this. All other arguments are passed directly to the function itself.
36. this keyword sample in Javascript
By: Nicholas C. Zakas : 2008-08-16
Description: One of the most important concepts to grasp in JavaScript is the use of the this keyword, which is used in object methods. The this keyword always points to the object that is calling a particular method, for example:
37. Math object and Math functions in Javascript
By: Nicholas C. Zakas : 2008-08-16
Description: The Math object is the built-in object that you wish you had during those high school math classes: It knows all the formulas for the most complicated mathematical problems, and it can figure them out for you if you give it the numbers to work with. The Math object has several properties, consisting mostly of special values in the world of mathematics.
38. switch in Javascript
By: Syed Fazal : 2008-08-16
Description: The cousin of the if statement, the switch statement, allows a developer to provide a series of cases for an expression. The syntax for the switch statement is:
39. break and continue in Javascript
By: Syed Fazal : 2008-08-16
Description: The break and continue statements provide stricter control over the execution of code in a loop. The break statement exits the loop immediately, preventing any further repetition of the code while the continue statement exits the current repetition. It does, however, allow further repetition based on the control expression.
40. do-while, while, for and for-in loops in Javascript
By: Syed Fazal : 2008-08-16
Description: Iterative statements, also called loop statements, specify certain commands to be executed repeatedly until some condition is met. The loops are often used to iterate the values of an array (hence the name) or to work though repetitious mathematical tasks. JavaScript provides four types of iterative statements to aid in the process.