J2ME -> Free J2ME Sample Code

This page consists of free j2me sample code. All of them are developed by the author.

You are welcome to use these program codes in any of your projects. When I first laid my hands on Java, there were not many sites for free code. Now probably there are quite a number. 

However, finding the exact program that you want is always a problem. All of the programs has been used in different projects that I have done. In order to make your search easier, I will try to group them under different categories.

Though I have tested these programs at various times in various environments, if you find anything that doesn't work please do not blame me. Coz its free ;)

1. This J2ME sample program shows how to CHANGE THE FONT SIZE and CHANGE COLOR

2. This J2ME sample program shows how to display a simple LOGIN SCREEN on the J2ME phone and how to authenticate to a HTTP server

3. This J2ME sample program shows how to how to make a SOCKET Connection from a J2ME Phone

4. This J2ME sample program shows how to make an UDP connection from a J2ME phone


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